Wednesday, August 10, 2011

No Coffee For You!

I have been having troubles sleeping as of late, surpressed appetite, the list goes on and on. Basically not feeling 100%. My brain feels constantly foggy!  The only thing that has really changed over the last 4 months is my intake of coffee and not keeping up with my vitamins. Soooooo I have cut off the coffee consumption completely until I can figure out what's goin on.  Not enough food maybe? It's quite possible actually. I may have to have a look at that as well but for now, no coffee. I'll survive, don't worry. lol 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Slightly forgotten

Oh goodness I have completely left this blog unattended!!!  Thank you to my good friend Donloree for reminding me it's here!! Speaking of the fabulous Donloree I have been featured on her lovely site as a guest blogger! I decided to touch on post competition balance because I found it a little hard the first time around and I know there are others that have too.  Make sure to check back for other B.O.B. girls and they're guest blogs!!!